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Lead in drinking water is a topic of important national discussion.  Lead has seen an increased amount of attention and oversight due to adverse health effects and issues other US cities have had concerning lead in drinking water.

In December of 2021 the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced new regulations concerning lead and copper within public drinking water systems.  These regulations require Pleasant Hill Water Department to inventory all water services lines by October of 2024 to identify any lead or galvanized services.

 A service line is the piping that connects your interior plumbing to the Village’s water main.  The responsibility of the service line is shared between the Village and the property owner.  The property owner is responsible for the service line from the curb stop valve into the building, while the Village is responsible for the service line from the water main to the curb stop. The curb stop is a shut off valve that is normally located outside of the home in the front yard.


EPA Lead Water Service Survey

To complete this survey, you will need a smart phone (camera), a coin, a key or another tool, and a magnet.


For more Information on lead and copper pipes:

EPA - Lead in Drinking Water

EPA - Lead and Copper in Public Water Systems

AWWA.org - Lead And Copper Announcement

Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for questions.